pink kingdom
future design/ concept design/ co- design/ interaction design/ installation


During an archaeological campaign on 8 June 2223, archaeologists un earthed a large numberof pink objects at the site, which after speulation and examination, were found to have come from a place historically known as the Pink Kingdom. Along with these pink objects was a machine that was recorded as having been used to edit and revise history. Numerous events in human history did not actually happen, but were stated by archaeologists through a machine called ‘ The Editor’ .

The 'personal history' of each individual's daily activities is the narrative that is closer to the 'truth' of the times than the history in books.
Pink Kingdom invites the audience to write or draw narratives based on everyday activities through 'The Editor' in the context of the Pink Kingdom. The aim is to discuss the reality and fiction of history, and to undermine the weight of history in the public consciousness, encouraging people to record their own personal history. Each person can have an impact on history in this corner of the future world, and thus influence the more distant future.

The Editor
The Editor is a pantograph installation in which the viewer writes or draws through the pen above, and the pen below produces random content in response. It is as if people's daily activities are recording history while at the same time influencing the future, and the resulting effects are unpredictable.